Arvid and Anne Kristine own the farm and will be looking after you .
Anne Kristine , who is a teacher , grew up on the farm . Arvid takes care of growing the plums , cherries and apples . Since 2014 entirely ecological farming methods have been used. The accomodation you will be staying in was used as the farm house until 1958 when Anne Kristine`s parents built the new farm house she and her family now live in together with her 92 year old mother . For the last few years they have been very preoccupied with the exacting historical restauration of the accomodation in conjunction with local and national historical experts.
The accomodation has a long and fascinating history . In the early nineteenth century two separate buildings were joined to make this farmhouse. One half was brought from the other side of the fjord . It had originally been used as a building for people to change in and get ready for church . In those days getting to church was an arduous and time consuming undertaking in this mountainous landscape. The other building has a central fire-place and is traditionally used for baking and smoking meat and fish . Down by the fjord is the quay and the old boat house . This was an important building as until the midde of the last century the only way of getting here was by water along the fjord.